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Glass Health

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Why choose Glass Health over Other AI?

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Features Glass Health

  • Large Language Model

    Experts at Glass use the foundational large language model which helps generating differential diagnosis or clinical plans based on clinical problems representation.

  • Clinical Knowledge Database

    A comprehensive database maintained by clinicians, seamlessly integrated with AI to support in generating diagnosis or draft clinical plan.

  • De-Identification of Data

    The platform ensures that no protected health information about patients is entered, prioritizing user privacy and data safety.

  • Contextual Information Integration

    It uses context like evidence-based guidelines, schemas, and case studies for high-level clinical excellence in AI outputs.

  • Qualified AI Outputs

    All AI outputs are made to be interpreted carefully and not replace or serve as substitute for professional judgment of healthcare provider.

  • No Medical Image Input

    The application is not designed to process or analyze a medical image, signal from an in vitro device or signal acquisition system.

  • Adjustable Output Quality

    Quality of the AI output is dependent on input quality, making it flexible to provide best possible results.

  • Feedback Enhancement

    Users' feedback is utilized for the constant development of the Glass AI, making it more accurate and user-friendly over time.
