Features Quino
This feature allows users to highlight text segments and generate a compressed summary, making it easier to identify key information in dense content.
Bullet point Summarisation
This feature generates bullet points from highlighted text, providing a quick and easily digestible overview of the main points.
Question Answering
Users can pose specific questions and receive answers based on document content, enabling an interactive way of information extraction.
Question Generation
This feature creates quizzes from the document content, a tool for self-assessment and gauging comprehension level.
AI Lookup
Allows users to find meanings or explanations of words, expressions, or concepts within the context of their document or book.
Semantic Search
Users can do keyword searches or discover main topics within their books, greatly improving content navigation.
Knowledge Evaluation
Helps users assess their learning progress by completing customised tests, effectively pinpointing where focus needs to be allocated.
Document Organisation
Allows users to organise their notes, materials, and documents to enhance productivity and learning efficiency.