Features Wonder Dynamics
Easy Animation
Wonder Studio automatically animates, lights and composes CG characters into a live-action scene, making it easier for artists.
Simple Tracking
The system detects video cuts and tracks the actor throughout the sequence, eliminating the need for shot-by-shot work.
Performance Detection
It automatically detects the actor’s performance and transfers it to the CG character, thus saving time on frame-by-frame VFX work.
Adaptive Tool
Wonder Studio AI automates a significant amount of VFX work, leaving artists with the remaining creative tasks.
Character Creation
You can create multiple characters, allowing the AI to do the heavy lifting and you to focus on storytelling.
Dynamic adjustments
It supports dynamic camera and dynamic lighting adjustments giving your character your unique style.
3D Model Import
The system allows for seamless composition of your unique 3D model in any live-action shot.
Artist Community
Users can also use free 3D characters created by artists in the Wonder Studio community.