
Supercharge Your Writing: AI-Powered Research and


Content with this 'UNVERIFIED CONTENT' seal has been generated by AI in a summarized form, without alteration by the Hunts AI team or the platform. Meanwhile, 'verified' content has been meticulously created by the Hunts AI team or the platform.
Unverified Content

Updated At: 08/02/2023

Supercharge your research and writing with Jenni AI, the trusted AI assistant loved by over 1 million academics.

Features Jenni

  • AI Autocomplete

    Writes with you to overcome writer's block, enhancing productivity.

  • In-text Citations

    Automatically cites in APA, MLA, IEEE, Harvard styles, aiding in error-free bibliography creation.

  • Paraphrase & Rewrite

    Rephrases any text suiting your tone, assisting in producing unique content.

  • Generate From Your Files

    Revives your research papers via source-based generation, facilitating comprehensive study.

  • Chat to your PDFs

    Summarizes research papers, offering a quick understanding of complex topics.

  • Outline Builder

    Provides section headings based on your prompt, alleviating the process of structuring your write-up.

  • Custom Styles & Tones

    Allows selection of tone for your writing needs, ensuring apt tone for the content.

  • Research Library (Coming Soon)

    Will store and manage research in a library, enabling easy citation of research in any document.

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